Award for continuous innovation successes

Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar (center) honors Büchel GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG, here with Jila and Erhard Büchel (right) from Fulda, for its success in this year’s “TOP 100 Innovation Competition”.


Foto: KD Busch / compamedia

Award for continuous innovation successes


Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates Büchel on “TOP 100



Honor for Erhard Büchel on the occasion of the German SME Summit: In his laudatory speech, science journalist and TV presenter Ranga Yogeshwar honored Büchel GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG from Fulda for its success in this year’s “TOP 100 Innovation Competition”. Yogeshwar accompanied the innovation competition, which was held for the 29th time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, Büchel, as a company with more than 200 employees, had been particularly convincing in the categories “External Orientation/Open Innovation” and “Innovation Success”.


The statement on the award reads, among other things: “The medium-sized company has existed for more than 100 years and is managed in the second generation by Erhard Büchel, who has recorded continuous innovation successes.” Among other things, these successes can be attributed to the company’s collaboration with various players, including those outside its own company. These include, for example, the Steinbeis Transfer Center at Chemnitz Technical University, which develops machines for the technical implementation of the company’s innovative ideas, and the Fraunhofer Institute in Dresden. An intelligent, sensor-controlled rear light with brake light function was jointly developed here.


At the event in Frankfurt, Erhard Büchel, who accepted the award accompanied by his wife Jila, explained that he also receives new impetus from his presidencies of the European bicycle association CONEBI and the WBIA (World Bicycle Industry Association). He also said that looking at other industries often contributed to new ideas, for example in the development of a front headlight with low beam for electric bicycles. Büchel explained, “The e-bike is becoming more and more like the car, so we can certainly draw further inspiration from the automotive industry in the future.” Erhard Büchel had already received the “TOP 100” seal in February of this year, and the festive tribute now took place in the Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt-Höchst.

Active together

Active together


The Büchel team focuses on joint activities.



Doing something together with colleagues, away from the job, is on the annual agenda for the Büchel company group. The spectrum ranges from sports activities to social get-togethers. Fun and recreation is one thing, but strengthening the feeling of togetherness is another. There’s no question that these activities are also linked to entrepreneur Erhard Büchel’s thanks to the employees: “Despite working together every day, some colleagues don’t know each other very well. Joint ventures are the perfect opportunity to change that. You get to talk outside the workplace, get to know your office neighbors from a different and perhaps more private side, and build a stronger team feeling.”

There were no less than two opportunities for private encounters recently. On the occasion of the UN World Bicycle Day on June 3, the company invited visitors to take part in a bicycle tour from the company premises in Fulda through the Rhön hills. Of course, a stop at a cozy restaurant was not to be missed. The Büchel team covered around 30 kilometers in perfect cycling weather. The fact that numerous sporty employees are part of the company also became clear at another event. From trainees to managing directors, a 17-strong group of runners took part in the Fulda company run “Rhön Energie Challenge”. More than 2500 starters had gathered in the heart of the city of Fulda to cover a six-kilometer course. The first runner from the Büchel group to reach the finish line was trainee Lukas Ondra.

Stellenangebot Einkauf

Werde Teil unseres Teams in Fulda als


Sachbearbeiter/-in Einkauf (w/m/d)


Das erwartet Dich bei uns:
  • Eine offene Unternehmenskultur mit flachen Hierarchien
  • Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten mit großem Spielraum
  • Ein krisenfester Arbeitsplatz in einem dynamischen Team in einer boomenden Branche
  • Mittelständische Strukturen
  • Kostenlose Getränke und Obst
  • Dienstrad Leasing


Deine Aufgaben:
  • Operative Einkaufsabwicklung
  • Angebotsvergleiche und Preisverhandlungen
  • Projektabwicklung Großkunden
  • Reklamationsabwicklung
  • Stammdatenpflege
  • Allgemeine administrative Tätigkeiten


   Deine fachlichen Kompetenzen:
  • abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, idealerweise als Industriekaufmann/-frau oder Speditionskaufmann/-frau
  • Berufserfahrung im Bereich Materialwirtschaft eines Industrie- /Handelsunternehmens
  • gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • gute Anwenderkenntnisse in ERP Software und MS Office


Deine persönlichen Fähigkeiten:
  • Eigenverantwortung und selbstständige Arbeitsweise
  • Kommunikationsstärke und Durchsetzungsvermögen
  • Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit


Fühlst Du Dich angesprochen?

Dann freuen wir uns über Deine Bewerbung (mit Anschreiben und Lebenslauf, Arbeitszeugnissen, Gehaltsvorstellung und möglichem Eintrittstermin) an Stefan Pospischil (

Stellenangebot Dreher Oederan

Du möchtest eine Karriere in einer zukunftsfähigen Branche mit starkem Fokus auf Wachstum und Innovation? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!


Herzlich willkommen bei Büchel – einem der größten Fahrradteilehersteller Deutschlands – wo spannende Möglichkeiten auf dich warten, Teil einer Branche zu sein, die die Mobilität von morgen gestaltet.


Als eines der führenden Unternehmen in der Fahrradbranche sind wir seit über 100 Jahren erfolgreich am Markt vertreten. Unser breites Portfolio an innovativen Produkten, ob Beleuchtung oder Sattel, findet sich an den meisten Fahrrädern wieder. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit einigen der weltweit bekanntesten Fahrradmarken zusammenzuarbeiten und beliefern internationale Größen in der Fahrradindustrie. Gleichzeitig sind wir auch dem Endkunden durch unsere eigenen Marken wie Büchel, Wittkop oder Vuelta bekannt.


Unsere Felgenproduktion in Oederan ist auf der Suche nach einer/einem


Dreher/-in (m/w/d)



• Durchführung von konventionellem Drehen, insbesondere Formrollen
• Herstellung von Werkzeugen nach Vorgabe
• Schlosserarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit der Produktion von Fahrzeugteilen
• Qualitätskontrolle der gefertigten Teile



• Erfahrung im konventionellen Drehen, idealerweise in der Kleinserienproduktion
• Technisches Verständnis und handwerkliches Geschick
• Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit
• Bereitschaft zur Arbeit im 1-Schicht Betrieb
• Abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Bereich Metallverarbeitung oder vergleichbare Qualifikation ist vorteilhaft, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich
• Kenntnisse in der Bedienung von Drehmaschinen und Schlosserwerkzeugen von Vorteil



• Unbefristete Anstellung in einem renommierten Unternehmen
• Interessante und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeiten
• Attraktive Vergütung und Sozialleistungen
• Angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld in einem motivierten Team


Bewirb Dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams! Sende uns Deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) unter Angabe des frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins per E-Mail an

Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen und gemeinsam weiter zu wachsen!

Walter Storch committed to Barchfeld for 20 years

Walter Storch committed to Barchfeld for 20 years


Congratulations from Büchel management for many years of service



Walter Storch has been working for our company at the Barchfeld site for two decades now. For the dedicated employee, the starting point was the year 2002, a significant historical turning point, as this year heralded the end of the deutschmark. Now 64 years old, he works in the incoming and outgoing goods departments and excels in his role as a forklift driver.
Although retirement age is not too far off, retirement will not be an issue for a long time yet. The company management, with Erhard Büchel and Oliver Venohr, is grateful for this, saying in unison about the long-serving employee: “With his level-headed manner, Walter Storch keeps the store together.”

Company anniversary Angelika Arnold

Company anniversary Angelika Arnold


Congratulations on 10 years of service with the company



10 years – a reason to celebrate! Congratulations, dear Angelika! Thank you for supporting us with your expertise in the import department for 10 years already.
The first congratulators here in the picture are our Managing Director Oliver Venohr (left) and our CEO Erhard Büchel.

Volcano Plus

Volcano Plus




SELLE ESSE Volcano Plus Fahrradsattel. Sportliche Sattelmodelle mit markant designter Satteldecke, mit Reflexelementen von 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material für eine erhöhte Sichtbarkeit. In zwei Größen erhältlich: Regular und Short.


134 mm (regular)
140 mm (short)


276 mm (regular)
259 mm (short)


» Für MTB / Gravel / Rennrad
» Anatomische Formgebung und Aushöhlung
» Stabile Stahlstreben mit 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material
» Carbon-verstärkte Schale
» Gewicht: 265 g
» Satteldecke: schwarz mit 3D Elementen und Reflex-Druck
» Handmade in Italy

Montageanleitung ↓

weitere produkte

Via Reflex

Via Reflex




SELLE ESSE Via Reflex Fahrradsattel. Italienisches Sattel-Design der Extraklasse. City Modell mit Trekking-Ambitionen. Mit “Power Ball” Dämpfungssystem und reflektierendem Aufdruck.


Breite: 210 mm

Länge: 250 mm


» Anatomische Formgebung
» Gel -Grid Rebound System
» Reflexdruck auf Vorder- und Rückseite
» Gewicht: 565 g (mit Kloben)
» Satteldecke schwarz genarbt
» Handmade in Italy

Montageanleitung ↓

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Cooperation with Fulda high school

Dr. Ulf Brüdigam und Erhard Büchel bei der Unterzeichnung des Kooperationsvertrages

Cooperation with Fulda high school


Alumni Erhard Büchel looks forward to numerous meetings with students



What started with a casual exchange of information has now culminated in the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium and our company on joint educational activities.


The Büchel company will be integrated into various teaching projects, for example in lessons in the subject of politics and economics under the title “Economy and the world of work” or in history lessons with the exploration of the company history of the Büchel company, whose roots lie in Zella-Mehlis in Thuringia. A lecture is also planned as part of the so-called “TiS – Talk-im-Stein” on the subject of “Development of the European bicycle market”.


The provision of internships and a visit by students to the company’s German production sites in Barchfeld and Zella-Mehlis have also already been integrated into the extensive program.


However, the cooperation is by no means limited to the subject lessons. The mountain bike club at the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule and the bicycle workshop that has been set up are further points of contact for the cooperation. There is no doubt that the topic of “sustainability” will also be a topic of conversation in the classroom, because here the Büchel company is taking a variety of new paths to meet the political and social requirements of sustainability and climate protection.


The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule is thus expanding its comprehensive network of cooperative ventures and creating a solid foundation for the interlinking of school and the world of life and work. Erhard Büchel was himself a student at the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule, from which he graduated in 1971. As an alumnus of the high school, such an exchange is therefore also a personal concern for him.

Cycling Industries have launched a sustainable packaging commitment

Cycling Industries have launched a sustainable packaging commitment


We are pleased to be part of the Cycling Industries Sustainable Packaging Commitment and proud that Büchel is amongst the first companies to sign this commitment.



Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI) and Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) have launched an industry-wide commitment to reduce plastic packaging and eliminate unnecessary packaging from the supply chain. The pledge has been signed by more than 60 founding companies and others are invited to follow suit.


Manuel Marsilio, General Manager of CONEBI said: Our Industry Sustainability Programme puts the concept of cooperation within the industry at the centre of a wide strategy that is both in line and reinforces the European Green Deal. What we see today is that a growing number of companies are ready to take their CSR actions to ambitious heights, proactively engage in the ongoing Green transition and Circular Economy, shaping them with a forward-looking mindset.


Kevin Mayne, CEO of CIE said: Cycling is at the core of the mobility transition, making sure Europe is cleaner, greener and more liveable. The way our industry operates has to meet the same high ambitions, so we need to be in the forefront of a sustainability industrial sector. CIE and CONEBI have set an ambitious agenda to tackle important industry-wide challenges and to initiate pioneering initiatives and actions across the supply chain, this packaging initiative is the first of many ways we will act reduce our environmental impact.


Packaging volumes continue to rise globally. In 2019 the volume of packaging waste, in the EU, reached a record high of 79.3 million tonnes, 60% of which was paper, cardboard and plastic. In the US, plastic packaging alone created over 14.5 million tons of waste. The UN Sustainable Development Goals estimate, by 2050, the resource of three planets will be required to sustain the lifestyles of one. These increasing waste volumes are inflated by excessive and unnecessary packaging designs which, alongside single use models, non-recyclable materials and plastic entering our natural environments, is creating numerous challenges for our planet, climate, and biodiversity.


While customer and retail facing packaging provides companies the creative opportunity to design packaging solutions, which reflect their own values and sustainability ambitions, this only accounts for a proportion of our industry wide packaging waste. Our complex, global and often shared supply chains also create significant amounts of packaging which can be often overlooked.


Cycling Industries are uniting behind a shared vision of creating a circular economy for packaging, contributing to the European Commission’s goal for a new circular economy. This vision covers all packaging material. For plastic specifically, it is inspired by and closely aligned with the vision of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s ‘New Plastics Economy Initiative’, also adopted in the ‘Global Commitment’ led by the Foundation in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme. This vision is also endorsed by US based People For Bikes.


Cycling Industry Sustainable Packaging Commitment:

  1. 1. Sharing and endorsing the common vision for more circular and sustainable packaging solutions with your supply chain partners
  2. 2. Working with supply chain partners to reduce problematic plastic packaging’s and eliminate unnecessary packaging within your supply chain by 2025
  3. 3. Working with supply chain partners to ensure that all supply chain packaging is reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025
  4. 4. Working with supply chain partners to increase recycled content within packaging materials by 2025
  5. 5. Creating customer / retail facing packaging commitments, which align with or exceed the common vision by 2025.
  6. 6. Sharing progress and update with the wider cycling industry through the CONEBI / CIE Sustainability working group forum


More info about CONEBI

More Info about CIE

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