Stellenangebot Sachbearbeiter Einkauf

Du möchtest eine Karriere in einer zukunftsfähigen Branche mit starkem Fokus auf Wachstum und Innovation? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!


Herzlich willkommen bei Büchel – einem der größten Fahrradteilehersteller Deutschlands – wo spannende Möglichkeiten auf dich warten, Teil einer Branche zu sein, die die Mobilität von morgen gestaltet.


Als eines der führenden Unternehmen in der Fahrradbranche sind wir seit über 100 Jahren erfolgreich am Markt vertreten. Unser breites Portfolio an innovativen Produkten, ob Beleuchtung oder Sattel, findet sich an den meisten Fahrrädern wieder. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit einigen der weltweit bekanntesten Fahrradmarken zusammenzuarbeiten und beliefern internationale Größen in der Fahrradindustrie. Gleichzeitig sind wir auch dem Endkunden durch unsere eigenen Marken wie Büchel, Wittkop oder Vuelta bekannt.


Unser Team besteht aus ca. 300 engagierten Mitarbeitenden an fünf Standorten in Deutschland. Mit weiteren drei Standorten in Asien sind wir international aufgestellt und vereinen ein starkes Know-how. Bei Büchel schätzen wir die Can-Do Mentalität – wir lieben Herausforderungen und gehen sie mit Leidenschaft an. Sowohl die Fahrradindustrie als auch unser Unternehmen befinden sich im Wandel, und du wirst die Möglichkeit haben, diesen mitzugestalten.


Bewirb dich jetzt und lass uns gemeinsam die Zukunft der Mobilität gestalten! Unser Team in Fulda ist auf der Suche nach einem/einer


Einkaufsspezialist/-in (m/w/d)


  • Beschaffung von Rohstoffen, Komponenten und Materialien für die Produktion von Fahrradkomponenten
  • Überwachung und Pflege der Lieferantenbeziehungen
  • Preisverhandlungen und Vertragsabschlüsse mit Lieferanten
  • Sicherstellung der rechtzeitigen Materiallieferungen und Qualitätssicherung
  • Analyse des Beschaffungsmarktes und Identifikation von Verbesserungspotenzialen
  • Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen, um den reibungslosen Produktionsablauf sicherzustellen


  • Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
  • Berufserfahrung im Beschaffungswesen wünschenswert
  • Begeisterung für Fahrradtechnologie und Kenntnisse über Fahrradkomponenten und -zubehör von Vorteil
  • Ausgeprägte Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikationsstärke für die Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Abteilungen
  • Verhandlungsgeschick und Überzeugungskraft im Umgang mit Lieferanten, Partnern und internen Stakeholdern
  • Selbständige, strukturierte und ergebnisorientierte Arbeitsweise
  • Fließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
  • Kenntnisse im Umgang mit MS Office Programmen


  • Eigenverantwortung und selbstständige Arbeitsweise
  • Kommunikationsstärke und Durchsetzungsvermögen
  • Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit


  • Eine spannende und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem hochdynamischen Umfeld, das Raum für Eigeninitiative und die Möglichkeit bietet, eigene Ideen kreativ einzubringen.
  • Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz: Als Teil unseres inhabergeführten Unternehmens kannst Du Dich auf einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz verlassen und wirst Teil einer familiären Arbeitskultur.
  • Teamgeist: Dich erwartet ein freundliches und kollegiales Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Zusammenhalt und Teamgeist großgeschrieben werden.
  • Weiterbildung: Wir unterstützen Deine persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung durch vielfältige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, damit Du Dein Potenzial voll ausschöpfen kannst.
  • Homeoffice: Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Option zum Homeoffice, um deine Work-Life-Balance optimal zu gestalten.
  • Bike-Leasing: Du hast die Möglichkeit, ein Bike-Leasing in Anspruch zu nehmen, um umweltfreundlich und aktiv zur Arbeit zu pendeln.
  • Team Events: Bei regelmäßigen Team-Events und Veranstaltungen feiern wir gemeinsam Erfolge und stärken den Teamgeist.


Wir bieten dir eine spannende Herausforderung in einem dynamischen und innovativen Umfeld. Als Teil unseres motivierten Teams hast du die Möglichkeit, maßgeblich zum Erfolg unseres Unternehmens beizutragen und die Fahrradbranche mitzugestalten.


Konnten wir dein Interesse wecken? Dann sende uns bitte deinen Lebenslauf, ein Anschreiben und relevante Zeugnisse an: Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen und gemeinsam weiter zu wachsen!

Stellenangebot Kauffrau Oederan

Du möchtest eine Karriere in einer zukunftsfähigen Branche mit starkem Fokus auf Wachstum und Innovation? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!


Herzlich willkommen bei Büchel – einem der größten Fahrradteilehersteller Deutschlands – wo spannende Möglichkeiten auf dich warten, Teil einer Branche zu sein, die die Mobilität von morgen gestaltet.


Als eines der führenden Unternehmen in der Fahrradbranche sind wir seit über 100 Jahren erfolgreich am Markt vertreten. Unser breites Portfolio an innovativen Produkten, ob Beleuchtung oder Sattel, findet sich an den meisten Fahrrädern wieder. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit einigen der weltweit bekanntesten Fahrradmarken zusammenzuarbeiten und beliefern internationale Größen in der Fahrradindustrie. Gleichzeitig sind wir auch dem Endkunden durch unsere eigenen Marken wie Büchel, Wittkop oder Vuelta bekannt.


Unsere Felgenproduktion in Oederan ist auf der Suche nach einer/einem


Industriekauffrau/-mann (m/w/d)



• Ansprechpartner für Kunden und Lieferanten
• Auftragsabwicklung bis hin zur Fakturierung
• Erstellung von Angeboten
• Erstellen von Reports und Statistiken
• Klärung und Überwachung der Liefertermine
• Anlage und Pflege der Artikelstammdaten
• Bearbeitung von Reklamationen
• Allgemeine administrative Tätigkeiten



• Abgeschlossene kaufm. Ausbildung, idealerweise als Industriekaufmann/-frau
• Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb/Export eines Industrieunternehmens
• Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, weitere Fremdsprachen von Vorteil
• Gute Anwenderkenntnisse in ERP Software, MS Office, insbesondere Excel



• Eigenverantwortung und selbstständige Arbeitsweise
• Kommunikationsstärke und Durchsetzungsvermögen
• Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit



• Offene Unternehmenskultur mit flachen Hierarchien
• Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten mit großem Spielraum
• Krisenfester Arbeitsplatz in einem dynamischen Team in einer boomenden Branche
• Mittelständische Strukturen


Bewirb Dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams! Sende uns Deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) unter Angabe des frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins per E-Mail an

Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen und gemeinsam weiter zu wachsen!

Productvideo Micro Lens COB

Screenshot 2024-03-05 165619

Productvideo Micro Lens COB


The BÜCHEL Micro Lens COB rear light is an innovative bicycle light that not only ensures good visibility in the dark, but also has a brake indicator function. This detects when the cyclist brakes and then lights up more brightly to warn other road users. The BÜCHEL Micro Lens COB rear light therefore increases safety when cycling and reduces the risk of rear-end collisions;


Our new product video on YouTube shows how the BÜCHEL Micro Lens COB rear light works, how it is mounted and what advantages it offers;

New to the team: David Meier, product designer

New to the team: David Meier, product designer


We are pleased to welcome David Meier as a new employee in the Design & Product Development department for bicycle parts and accessories! He is an experienced industrial designer and product developer who has been working with Büchel for a long time as an external service provider, e.g. in the areas of packaging design, product design and exhibition stand design.


David holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from OTH Regensburg and a Master’s degree in Industrial Design from TU Munich. He has worked in various industries as an industrial designer and product developer, including electronics, consumer goods, furniture and bicycle parts and accessories. He therefore brings a wide range of expertise and creativity to Büchel.


His tasks at Büchel include the design and development of new products in the bicycle sector, the development of a long-term strategy for Büchel’s product range and the coordination of the entire product development process from the initial idea to the successful market launch.


David Meier lives in Eichstätt (Bavaria) with his wife and two-year-old child. He is an enthusiastic cyclist and is looking forward to combining his passion for cycling with his professional activity from March 1.

Sehen wir uns in Taipei?

Sehen wir uns in Taipei?


Taipei Cycle Show 2024 – Wir stellen aus. Sie haben eine Idee für ein Fahrrad oder E-Bike und benötigen noch auf Ihr Projekt individuell abgestimmte Teile aus den Bereichen Beleuchtung, Speichen und Nippel, Felgen, Radschützer, Gepäckträger, Sättel, Griffe oder Kunststoffteile? Sie sind auch auf der Taipei Cycle Show?


Sprechen Sie uns an! Unsere Stand-Nr. ist M0203A. Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen unsere individuellen Lösungen für Ihre Projekte zu erörtern.

German Design Award für Optical 150 FL

German Design Award für Optical 150 FL


Wir freuen uns riesig: Unser E-Bike Frontscheinwerfer „Optical 150 FL“ ist mit dem German Design Award 2024 ausgezeichnet worden! Überzeugen konnte dieses innovative Produkt durch sein markantes sechseckiges und gleichermaßen dezentes Gehäusedesign, das aus einem Mix aus Aluminium und Kunststoff gefertigt ist. 150 Lux liefert der Scheinwerfer mit einer speziell entwickelten optischen Linse, die für eine extrem gute Lichtverteilung sorgt, und der mit Fern- und Abblendlicht die Nacht zum Tag macht, ohne den Gegenverkehr zu blenden. Umgeschaltet wird bequem vom Lenker aus.


Der German Design Award ist ein Premiumpreis mit internationaler Strahlkraft und zählt branchenübergreifend zu den angesehensten Awards der Designlandschaft. Jährlich werden außerordentliche Einreichungen im Produktdesign, Kommunikationsdesign und der Architektur gekürt. Der German Design Award legt höchste Ansprüche an die Ermittlung seiner Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind wir besonders stolz, diese Auszeichnung erhalten zu haben. Dazu betont Firmenchef Erhard Büchel: „Wir sehen uns mit dieser Auszeichnung in unserer Entwicklungsarbeit bestätigt, bei höchster Qualität und Funktionalität ein innovatives Design zu produzieren.“


Ausgelobt wird der German Design Award von der Stiftung „Rat für Formgebung“, die seit 1953 als weltweit führende Institution für Kommunikation und Wissenstransfer im Bereich Design, Marke und Innovation agiert. Mit internationalen Angeboten, Talentförderungen und Mitgliedschaften ist sie Teil der globalen Design-Community und trägt seit jeher dazu bei, Austausch und Netzwerke weltweit zu etablieren.


Zur Produktseite: Optical 150 E-Bike Frontscheinwerfer

Ahead 35/Z-Fire Micro

Ahead 35 / Z-Fire Micro




The front headlight “Ahead 35” integrates perfectly into the look of sporty bikes. It looks like a discreet extension of the stem and is easily and quickly attached to the handlebar directly in front of it. Anyone who owns a road bike, gravel bike or (e-) mountain bike and likes the purist look of these bikes without luggage racks and mudguards will appreciate the advantages of the special design of the “Ahead 35”.


With this light, you can not only look good, but also see well. 35 lux and a light duration of up to 250 minutes ensure a safe journey home when the day has simply been too short.


The “Z-Fire Micro” rear light is optionally available with StopTech brake light function and has an integrated, powerful Z-reflector – for greater safety on the road.



>> Luminosity switchable 35/10 Lux
>> Operating time up to 250 minutes
>> Display for charge level in the power switch
>> Li-Ion battery (680 mAh)
>> For handlebar diameter up to 35mm
>> Front reflector, removable
>> Approved for Germany


Matching rear light: Z-Fire Micro

Bedienungsanleitung ↓

more products

Z-Fire Micro

z-fire micro

Z-Fire Micro_web



Small – smaller – Z-Fire Micro. A small, rechargeable rear light that is simply mounted on the seat post and meets all road safety requirements – that’s the Z-Fire Micro. The integrated reflector is so efficient that, despite its small size, it has the performance of a large-area reflector and is therefore Z-approved.



The Z-Fire Micro is optionally equipped with the intelligent “StopTech” brake indicator function, which makes cycling even safer. A deceleration sensor causes the LED to light up more brightly when the speed is reduced and thus clearly warns following road users. This technology is a joint development with the Fraunhofer Institute. By the way, it works like in a car: During the day, the rear light does not burn, only the brake indicator function is active. In the dark, at dusk or in subways, a brightness sensor then automatically activates the rear light.



>> Operating time up to 450 minutes

>> Z-Reflector

>> USB-C charging socket

>> Li-Ion battery (300 mAh)

>> Optionally with StopTech intelligent brake display function and

>> Daylight function, sensor-controlled

>> Mounting on the seat post

>> Splash water protection to IP44 standard

>> H: 51 mm / W: 29 mm / D: 25 mm (without bracket)

>> Weight: 36g

>> Approved for Germany


Available individually or as a set with headlight: Ahead 35

Bedienungsanleitung ↓

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Optical 150

optical 150




On the handlebars in front of the stem or under the eBike display? Or would you prefer the classic method on the fork? The “Optical 150 FL” front headlight can be mounted anywhere.


With its striking hexagonal yet discreet housing design, which is made from a mix of aluminum and plastic, it can be integrated into any modern eBike concept. The headlight delivers a full 150 lux, turning night into day with high and low beam without dazzling oncoming traffic. Switching is done conveniently from the handlebars. An optical lens, which gave the light its name, ensures optimum light distribution.



>> High beam and low beam function

>> Switch for mounting on the handlebar

>> Luminosity 150 lux (high beam) / 120 lux (low beam)

>> E-Bike Version 12 – 15 V

>> Approved for Germany


Matching rear light: Edge StopTech

VersionArt.-Nr. OEMArt.-Nr. AM
Optical 150 Lux für E-Bike 12 - 15V, mit Lenkerhalter51254750
Optical 150 Lux für E-Bike 12 - 15V, mit Lenkerhalter51254751
Optical 150 Lux für E-Bike 12 - 15V, mit Gabelhalter51254752

more products




A warm welcome to Daria Büchel!



Many self-employed people worry about who will later take over the company they have built up with such dedication. At Büchel GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG has now taken the step to the next generation with the eldest daughter of the four Büchel children. Welcome, Daria Büchel!


This makes Büchel one of the few large European bicycle accessory suppliers that can rely on the third generation of the Büchel family. A family bond, in other words. It is not unusual for two generations to work together in one company. For this cooperation to work, stumbling blocks often have to be cleared out of the way and rules of mutual demarcation taken into account. This interview reveals how this was solved in our case:


Ms. Büchel, joining your father’s company after your studies was not a matter of course for you, how did the current decision come about?


Daria Büchel:

For me, it really wasn’t a matter of course, even though my father had wanted me to do it for some time. I wanted to gain my own experience and try things out. Among other things, I studied abroad and worked at Google for seven years after university – and initially didn’t want to join the company at all. But after those seven years, the time came for something new – I wanted to take on more responsibility and really make a difference. Joining the family business can be an incredible opportunity, which I was very grateful for. At the same time, my father’s age meant that it was time for me to make a decision anyway.



And what helped you to make this decision?


Daria Büchel:

My father and I sat down together, I clarified my wishes in a personal coaching session, tied my entry into the company to a few conditions and discussed these with my father with the support of a mediator.


An important point for me was to be able to try out working in the company and not to make a decision now for the rest of my life. Especially in a family business, as a potential successor you have the feeling that it has to work now and forever – otherwise you’ve failed. That puts a lot of pressure on the decision. The motto “forever and ever” is no longer appropriate. Today, nobody makes a decision for their entire life – neither at work nor in their private life. Becoming a little more open to other models at this point would certainly lead some of the next generation to decide to join the company sooner. This “lifelong” attitude certainly prevents many from doing so.


Something can always happen, life situations change – it helped me to think about and verbalize this from the start. That’s what we do now: We regularly check how things are going and how things are progressing. I’m really enjoying it at the moment and I’m looking forward to getting even deeper into it.



Mr. Büchel, when you joined the company after the death of your father Karl Büchel in 1976, there was no question at all about your role or your commitment. You had to act comprehensively in all areas. It’s different with your daughter Daria: what role does she play in the company?


Erhard Büchel:

For the time being, we have agreed on the areas of strategy, sustainability and digitalization. And, of course, my daughter’s commitment is significant in light of her many years of experience at Google in sales via the new media, i.e. the Internet.



And a supplementary question: if the next generation is to manage the company in the medium and long term, do you think this needs to be communicated to employees from the outset?


Erhard Büchel:

Whether my daughter is a shareholder or not doesn’t matter for the time being. She is a member of the holding company, which takes some of the pressure off me and I’m looking forward to her fresh, new ideas – we’re pretty outdated in places.



Ms. Büchel, what specific tasks will you be taking on?


Daria Büchel:

Looking after and building up my own areas was important to me right from the start. Of course, I try to learn as much as possible from my father – he has an incredible wealth of experience and knowledge. The bicycle industry is also new to me. But I didn’t do something else successfully for so many years for nothing, so I want to contribute my expertise. What that means in detail is currently being worked out. I will be taking on a number of tasks in sales and building up completely new areas with the topics of sustainability and digitalization. I am currently working my way through all departments and defining various objectives and measures with a view to the potential for digitalization. There are definitely some processes that can be simplified through automation, for example, and artificial intelligence still has a lot of exciting potential to make our work easier.


When it comes to sustainability, I am also starting with fundamental analyses of the status quo and a lot of further training. Together with our team, I want to develop a strategy with clear areas of action that will actively move us towards Net Zero. These are all big tasks – but many small steps and the support of the team will make it easier to tackle them.



It is helpful if the next generation not only has the necessary specialist knowledge thanks to their studies, but has already proven themselves in a company for several years. What experience have you gained so far?


Daria Büchel:

At Google, I worked in Sales and Marketing, most recently as Industry Manager. As the main strategic contact, I looked after large multinational clients from the consumer goods industry and advised them on their activities with Google, also beyond online marketing. From this time, I learned how digital companies work. And medium-sized or manufacturing companies can also learn from this. It’s about the way we work – transparency, clear objectives and communication within the team.


Tech companies work with rapid prototyping, among other things – they can quickly test how things are going and then react immediately. To my amazement, I have found that this is already working in our company. The team moves quickly. Instead of planning everything through first, feedback is obtained quickly and this gives us a big advantage over the competition. It reminds me of the way tech companies work.


Erhard Büchel:

We have short decision-making processes; before the other companies have discussed the order, we have already delivered it.


Daria Büchel:

… certainly some work could be done on the structures to gain efficiencies …


Erhard Büchel:

Structures make you slow.


Daria Büchel:

Not always.


Erhard Büchel:

Not always, it’s a bit chaotic for us at times, but it’s quite clear that we need a third of the time that large companies in our sector need to implement the project.



Time and again, we read that there are often discussions about salary when the next generation joins the company. While young company successors today can often boast top grades from university, attractive internships and interesting professional experience, as is the case with you, the older generation is reluctant to pay an appropriate salary at the beginning until the “offspring” has proven themselves in the company. Mr. Büchel, what is your opinion on this?


Erhard Büchel:

We have come to a good agreement. There are also opportunities for “friendly” design within the company.



Many owners give their children less important tasks at the beginning or keep talking them into their area of responsibility. How do you handle this, Mr. Büchel?


Erhard Büchel:

Daria is an authorized signatory in the industrial holding company.


Daria Büchel:

I’m not the junior managing director, both sides are looking at the collaboration. Of course, everyone wants it to last forever, but neither of us knows that. We look at whether this professional model works and the area of responsibility is then defined when we say that it fits.


Erhard Büchel:

Well, our Chinese partners are already calling my daughter “small boss”. And anyway, it’s all “peace, joy and pancakes” at the moment.


Daria Büchel:

We are currently working side by side. However, I also have a thick head and if I want to achieve something in an area that I know a lot about, then we will come to an agreement. After all, I have 34 years of experience in dealing with my father.



Ms. Büchel, you live in Fulda, where the Büchel headquarters are located, and in Berlin. One major challenge is certainly the fact that you see each other every day at work, discuss things and perhaps even have the occasional argument. Is there a danger of taking these “problems” from work into the private sphere?


Daria Büchel:

The company keeps me busy seven days a week, 24 hours a day. I talk about it with friends, I dream about it, sometimes I want to talk about it with my father in the evening. Sometimes that works, but sometimes he says he’d rather talk about his last visit to a restaurant.



Bringing new momentum, new ideas and the necessary potential for change into the company is certainly expected of you, Ms. Büchel. In your opinion, what is the best way to achieve this?


Daria Büchel:

I have noticed that employees are keen to embrace change. Of course, there are employees at production sites or at head office who have been working with their system for a long time. Here it is important to take the time to explain and not give them the feeling that they are being left alone. I’m really keen to get the ball rolling on how we can work better together internally, including on a cloud basis, and working from home can also make things easier. It can all be implemented, I have already worked with many solutions. At the end of the day, it would be a mistake not to invest enough time and patience. All changes for the future stand or fall on whether the employees go along with them.



Mr. Büchel, where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

Erhard Büchel:

I very much hope that the company will continue as a family business. Economic development is fluid, ten years ago I would never have thought that we would be producing parts for agriculture, among other things. You just have to make sure that you take opportunities with you. And I personally will stay involved for as long as I enjoy it.


And this same question addressed to you?


Daria Büchel:

I’ve said goodbye to making ten-year plans, at least in my private life.


My father is right, we should become a modern, digital company and thus increase our attractiveness as an employer, while maintaining openness and flexibility.



Could your siblings also join the company?


Daria Büchel:

I would be happy if my siblings would work with me, they are cool and very intelligent. But they should really decide for themselves. For me, it was ideal to decide entirely of my own free will. And I would never want to take that away from them. And my father should leave the decision up to them.


Erhard Büchel:

I won’t interfere, they will do it as they see fit.

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