

RE-Protect front und heck



Der RE:Protect ist ein Kunststoff-Radschützer, der aus Recyclingmaterial im Spritzgussverfahren in unserem Werk in Barchfeld in Thüringen hergestellt wird. Das Werk ist TÜV-zertifiziert nach ISO 50001 für modernes Umweltmanagement, mit Fokus auf geringen Energieverbrauch und niedrige CO2-Belastung. Der Radschützer ist überdies zu 100% recyclebar. Er passt perfekt zu modernen Trekking- und Citybikes. Durch die integrierte Kabelführung lässt sich die Stromversorgung von Rückleuchten sauber und sicher verlegen. Er kann problemlos in der Länge gekürzt werden. Passende Spoiler sind optional erhältlich. Streben und Befestigungssystem sind im Lieferumfang enthalten.



>> Radschützer aus Recyclingmaterial
>> Modernes, kantiges Design
>> Für Trekking- / Urban- / City- / E-Bikes
>> Incl. Spoiler, Streben, Befestigungssystem
>> Integrierte Kabelführung
>> Breite: 58 mm
>> Made in Germany

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Master of numbers for 20 years

Oliver Venohr, Eberhard Reuter, Daria Büchel (left to right)

Master of numbers for 20 years

Company anniversary of Eberhard Reuter


On October 1, 2024, we celebrated a very special anniversary: Eberhard Reuter, who has been an integral part of our team for 20 years now, started working for us in the area of financial statement preparation on this very day in 2004. With his previous experience at the tax office and in a tax consultancy, he was already well equipped when he joined us. Since then, it has been impossible to imagine our company without him.


Eberhard is characterized by his in-depth expertise in the accounting and tax world. He is responsible for the balance sheets and tax returns of our various Büchel companies and takes on the challenging task of preparing the consolidated balance sheet. He also looks after our real estate management. His exceptional insight into our company structures and processes is an invaluable asset; he knows our company history and the background to many decisions better than almost anyone else. With his comprehensive knowledge and meticulous way of working, he has made a major contribution to the economic success of our group of companies.


However, it is not only his professional qualities, but also his personality that is very valuable to us. He is always friendly, helpful and never too proud to lend a hand. If you get stuck, Eberhard is the one who has an idea for a solution. His ability to keep calm and maintain an overview even in difficult situations makes him an indispensable contact for all colleagues. As an active cyclist, Eberhard is at home in the Rhön region and provides us with local advice when planning our company bike tours.


We thank Eberhard from the bottom of our hearts for his commitment, loyalty and tireless support over the past 20 years and look forward to the next years together. Dear Eberhard, thank you for being part of our team!

Investment in cathodic dip coating (CDC)

Tobias Werner, Operations Manager Büchel Industrie, Barchfeld

Investment in cathodic dip coating (CDC)


Since 2021, we have made efforts to set up our own cathodic dip coating facility for coating bicycle spokes at our Barchfeld site. Over the course of 2022, a concept was developed with a manufacturer of such systems, which resulted in an order for the system technology at the end of 2022.


This was completed in spring 2023 and could be inspected at the manufacturer’s premises. Later in 2023, the system technology was brought to Barchfeld and installed. The coating process was then set up and continuously improved. The first spokes were coated in the fall of 2023.


At the beginning of 2024, employees were trained in the field of cathodic dip coating. Büchel Industrie now has a dedicated team at its disposal and can operate the coating system in two shifts.



What is CDC coating?

Cathodic dip coating (CDC) is an electrochemical coating method. The component to be coated is immersed in an electrically conductive paint bath. After exposure to electrical voltage, paint particles are deposited on the component. The paint particles form a uniform paint film over the entire surface. The paint film increasingly insulates the component and ultimately stops the electrical attraction. After the paint layer has been applied, thermal treatment takes place in a specially designed curing oven. The resulting coating provides effective and long-lasting corrosion protection with high temperature and chemical resistance. It is scratch-resistant and safe against stone chipping. Various pre-treatments further improve the corrosion protection and create an excellent adhesion base for the CDC coating.


In the industry, cathodic dip coating is considered one of the most efficient coating processes for metal surfaces. As the solvent is based on water and the paints are free of lead and zinc, this is a particularly environmentally friendly surface coating.


Due to its good properties, CDC is used as the coating of choice in various industries. For example, in the automotive industry, where it is used in the engine, chassis and brake areas as well as in the interior and bodywork. However, this form of coating has also become indispensable in the mining and power generation industries.

Z-Stripe ST-E

Z-Stripe ST-E




The “Z-Stripe” rear light for e-bikes is an elegant and high-quality solution to increase your safety on the road. The slim design fits perfectly with modern e-bikes and ensures a harmonious look.


One of the most important functions of the Z-Stripe rear light is the brake light with emergency brake indicator, which offers greater visibility in traffic. As soon as you brake, the brake light is activated by a sensor, signaling your intention to stop to other road users. In the event of emergency braking, the brake light also flashes. This not only improves your safety, but also that of other road users.


The rear light also has an integrated Z-reflector that meets the strict requirements of the German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations.



>> Brake light function StopTech

>> 32 COB LEDs + 2 main LEDs

>> Emergency brake indicator

>> Mounting width 50 or 80 mm

>> E-Bike operation (6 – 40V)

>> Integrated Z-reflector

>> Mounting on the luggage carrier

>> Approved for Germany

Operating instructions E-Bike ↓
VersionArt.-Nr. OEMArt.-Nr. AM
LED-Gepäckträger-Rücklicht “Z-Stripe” mit Notbremslicht-funktion5051000350510005
LED-Gepäckträger-Rücklicht “Z-Stripe”5051000150510004

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Donation to ADFC Fulda

We support safe mobility

We provided the ADFC Fulda with a donation of silicone lights and Sekuclip spoke reflectors. This support was provided on the occasion of the “Move – Mobilität findet Stadt” exhibition at the Fulda Children’s Academy and the “Kidical Mass” day of action on September 29, which was initiated by the ADFC. All children, young people and families were cordially invited to take part in this day on the Ochsenwiese and set an example together for more safety in road traffic! We are delighted to be part of this important initiative and wish all participants a safe journey – now and in the future!   The initiator of the support is our trainee Mkemeltou “Mamy” Sidi Meila, seen here handing over the donation to the deputy chairman of the ADFC Fulda, Dr. Harald Häußer-Mischlich, at the Fulda education fair.

Felix Darnieder celebrates company anniversary

20 years of commitment and success: Felix Darnieder celebrates his company anniversary

On September 1, 2024, Felix Darnieder celebrated his 20th anniversary with our company – an occasion to look back on an impressive career and numerous successes.


Felix started with us on September 1, 2004 as an apprentice industrial clerk and successfully completed his training in 2007. His talent and determination did not go unnoticed, so he was taken on directly in the sales department. Since 2013, Felix has been in charge of the discount, self-service stores and e-commerce sales areas, where he has made a significant contribution to the development and growth of the e-commerce sales branch.


One of his most notable achievements was in the key account project business, where his exceptional determination and his motto “nothing is impossible” meant that he was always able to find creative solutions. An early example of his determination and leadership qualities was demonstrated during his apprenticeship: although his application was initially rejected, he quickly proved his worth. As an apprentice, he successfully coordinated and supervised the refurbishment of 6,000 bicycles by a team of 30 employees for a major customer – an impressive achievement that demonstrated his potential even then.


Felix is not only technically adept, but also an asset to our team on a personal level. He is described by his colleagues and superiors as always polite, friendly and with a smile on his face – even in stressful situations.   To mark his anniversary, Felix was honored with a certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and a bonus. His plans for the future include further expanding his team and driving forward the e-commerce sector even more.


Dear Felix, we thank you for your tireless commitment, your positive attitude and the many successes you have achieved over the past 20 years. We look forward to many more successful years with you!

Azubi gesucht!

Azubi gesucht!


Du möchtest nachhaltige Mobilität von morgen schon heute mitgestalten? 🚲 Dann starte deine berufliche Karriere als Industriekauffrau/Industriekaufmann oder Kauffrau/Kaufmann für Büromanagement bei uns. Lerne uns kennen:


📚🎓 Wir sind dabei bei der Bildungsmesse Fulda im Konzeptkaufhaus Karl vom 26. – 28. September! Unsere Stand-Nr. ist 23, im Erdgeschoss. Gerne weitersagen! Wir freuen uns auf dich!


Mehr Info:

Medicus Pro Evo 1.0

Medicus Pro Evo 1.0

Medicus Pro Evo 1



The next level of Medicus technology – Medicus Pro Evo 1.0 now with optimized ventilation through “Air-Flow” blades and Medicus Foam with gel inserts. Trekking model.


Width: 170 mm Length: 275 mm


>> With AVE – Air Ventilation Effect System (European patent application EP 3 756 984 A1)
>> Medicus Memory Foam
>> With additional gel inserts
>> With anatomical gap (full hole)
>> Black saddle cover with print in red

Montageanleitung ↓

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Stellenangebot Senior Account Manager

Wir sind einer der größten Fahrradteilehersteller Deutschlands und entwickeln gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden innovative Fahrradkomponenten von der Beleuchtung bis zum Fahrradsattel. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit einigen der weltweit bekanntesten Fahrradmarken zusammenzuarbeiten und beliefern internationale Größen in der Fahrradindustrie.


Unser Team besteht aus ca. 300 engagierten Mitarbeitenden an fünf Standorten in Deutschland. Mit weiteren drei Standorten in Asien sind wir international aufgestellt und vereinen ein starkes Know-how. Bei Büchel schätzen wir die Can-Do Mentalität – wir lieben Herausforderungen und gehen sie mit Leidenschaft an.


Um unser weiteres Wachstum zu unterstützen und die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden sicherzustellen, suchen wir einen engagierten und erfahrenen


Senior Account Manager*in (m/w/d).


Deine Aufgaben:
  • Kundenbetreuung und -entwicklung: Du bist der/die Hauptansprechpartner/in für einige unserer wichtigsten Kunden aus der Fahrradindustrie, pflegst und baust die Kundenbeziehung kontinuierlich aus.


  • Projektmanagement: Steuerung und Koordination von komplexen Entwicklungsprojekten unter Einbeziehung zahlreicher interner und externer Stakeholder. Du definierst Projektziele, erstellst Projektpläne und sorgst für deren fristgerechte Umsetzung.


  • Stakeholder-Management: Kommunikation und Abstimmung mit verschiedenen Abteilungen intern und beim Kunden (z.B. Produktentwicklung, Produktion, Einkauf) sowie externen Partnern und Tochterunternehmen im In- und Ausland.


  • Qualitätssicherung und Kundenzufriedenheit: Sicherstellung der Kundenzufriedenheit durch regelmäßige Statusupdates, Problemlösungen und proaktives Management von Kundenanforderungen.


  • Teamführung: Führung, Motivation und Weiterentwicklung eines Teams von Account Managern, die für die operative Abwicklung der Projekte zuständig sind.


  • Budget- und Ressourcenmanagement: Überwachung und Kontrolle von Projektbudgets, Ressourcenplanung und -einsatz.


  • Strategische Planung: Erstellung und Umsetzung von Vertriebsstrategien zur langfristigen Kundenbindung und Umsatzsteigerung.



Dein Profil:
  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Wirtschaft/Vertrieb oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation.


  • Mehrjährige Erfahrung im Key Account Management, idealerweise in der Fahrradindustrie oder einem verwandten Bereich.


  • Ausgeprägte Fähigkeit, komplexe Projekte zu managen und mit einer Vielzahl von Stakeholdern zu kommunizieren


  • Fähigkeit, ein Team zu motivieren und zu leiten.


  • Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.


  • Hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative, Durchsetzungsvermögen und Kundenorientierung.




Wir bieten:
  • Eine spannende und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem hochdynamischen Umfeld, das Raum für Eigeninitiative und die Möglichkeit bietet, eigene Ideen kreativ einzubringen.


  • Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz: Als Teil unseres inhabergeführten Unternehmens kannst du dich auf einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz verlassen und wirst Teil einer familiären Arbeitskultur.


  • Teamgeist: Dich erwartet ein freundliches und kollegiales Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Zusammenhalt und Teamgeist großgeschrieben werden.


  • Weiterbildung: Wir unterstützen deine persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung durch vielfältige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, damit du dein Potenzial voll ausschöpfen kannst.


  • Homeoffice: Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Option zum Homeoffice, um deine Work-Life-Balance optimal zu gestalten.


  • Bike-Leasing: Du hast die Möglichkeit, ein Bike-Leasing in Anspruch zu nehmen, um umweltfreundlich und aktiv zur Arbeit zu pendeln.


  • Team Events: Bei regelmäßigen Team-Events und Veranstaltungen feiern wir gemeinsam Erfolge und stärken den Teamgeist.



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We mourn the passing of Erhard Büchel

We mourn the passing of Erhard Büchel


Erhard Büchel passed away on 12.05.2024 at the age of 71 after a short, serious illness.


He was an outstanding entrepreneur and visionary who dedicated his life to building and developing our successful family business. Erhard Büchel was born on February 17, 1953 in Fulda and took over the management of BÜCHEL GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG, which his father had founded in 1920, at the age of 23.


With unwavering commitment and an impressive combination of technical expertise and business foresight, Erhard Büchel led our company to countless successes. His degree in mechanical engineering and business administration from the Technical University of Darmstadt laid the foundations for his impressive career.


One of his most significant achievements was the establishment of a joint venture in China in 1985, making him the first German medium-sized company to pave the way into the Asian market. After the reunification of Germany in 1990, he immediately bought back the production site where the company was founded, which clearly demonstrates his strong will and commitment to tradition.


Erhard Büchel was not only a leading entrepreneur, but also a respected representative of the bicycle industry. As President of CONEBI and the WBIA, he passionately championed the interests of the industry and made a significant contribution to the promotion of cycling worldwide.


He will be remembered as a successful entrepreneur, loving husband, caring father and dedicated supporter of the bicycle industry. His legacy will live on in the hearts of those he touched.


Erhard Büchel leaves behind his wife, four children and an impressive life’s work. His eldest daughter Daria, who joined the company a year ago, will undoubtedly continue his legacy and uphold the values and ideals he stood for.

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