Award for continuous innovation successes

Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar (center) honors Büchel GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG, here with Jila and Erhard Büchel (right) from Fulda, for its success in this year’s “TOP 100 Innovation Competition”.
Foto: KD Busch / compamedia
Award for continuous innovation successes
Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates Büchel on “TOP 100
Honor for Erhard Büchel on the occasion of the German SME Summit: In his laudatory speech, science journalist and TV presenter Ranga Yogeshwar honored Büchel GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG from Fulda for its success in this year’s “TOP 100 Innovation Competition”. Yogeshwar accompanied the innovation competition, which was held for the 29th time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, Büchel, as a company with more than 200 employees, had been particularly convincing in the categories “External Orientation/Open Innovation” and “Innovation Success”.
The statement on the award reads, among other things: “The medium-sized company has existed for more than 100 years and is managed in the second generation by Erhard Büchel, who has recorded continuous innovation successes.” Among other things, these successes can be attributed to the company’s collaboration with various players, including those outside its own company. These include, for example, the Steinbeis Transfer Center at Chemnitz Technical University, which develops machines for the technical implementation of the company’s innovative ideas, and the Fraunhofer Institute in Dresden. An intelligent, sensor-controlled rear light with brake light function was jointly developed here.
At the event in Frankfurt, Erhard Büchel, who accepted the award accompanied by his wife Jila, explained that he also receives new impetus from his presidencies of the European bicycle association CONEBI and the WBIA (World Bicycle Industry Association). He also said that looking at other industries often contributed to new ideas, for example in the development of a front headlight with low beam for electric bicycles. Büchel explained, “The e-bike is becoming more and more like the car, so we can certainly draw further inspiration from the automotive industry in the future.” Erhard Büchel had already received the “TOP 100” seal in February of this year, and the festive tribute now took place in the Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt-Höchst.